SEO for local vs digital experiences — Ahmad Abusamak // Bank of America

Ahmad Abusamak, SEO Manager at Bank of America, delves into local versus digital SEO strategies and the importance of AI SERP authority. Over the past five years, banks have undergone digital transformation, striving to redirect traffic from physical branches to digital platforms. However, traditional banks face fierce competition in Google rankings from less regulated financial aggregator sites. Today, Ahmad discusses SEO for local versus digital experiences.
About the speaker

Ahmad Abusamak

Bank of America

 is a little camera shy

Ahmad is SEO Manager at Bank of America

Show Notes

  • 02:40
    SEOs role in the digital transformation of banking
    In an effort to reduce overhead costs and boost ROI, many banks are closing or consolidating physical branches and shifting their focus to digital experiences. SEO is at the forefront of building out that digital experience and diverting the traffic from physical to digital.
  • 04:35
    Using data to assess the need for physical locations vs. digital services
    It's essential to present a compelling case backed by data by looking at local metrics to ensure that customers are served appropriately. This decision-making process can be complex as the data may suggest retaining physical locations even when there's a desire to reduce them.
  • 08:35
    Enhancing local SEO with website listing connectivity
    Local SEO has evolved beyond basic NAP management. Now, it's crucial to establish a strong connection between your website and local listings, emphasizing product and service relevance to rank well in non-branded queries and attract new customers.
  • 10:31
    Local SEO and non branded keywords in the financial industry
    FinTech firms like NerdWallet, free from extensive regulations, can swiftly produce content, challenging the banks' competitiveness in certain queries. Banks need a strategic approach, considering both competition and non-branded keywords, to select the most relevant focus areas.
  • 12:27
    Why FinTech affiliate sites still rank well on Google
    Traditional banks face regulatory hurdles and slower content approval processes while FinTech companies are more agile and can create more content quickly as they are unregulated. Thus, Google rewards these sites as they serve users with the best and most relevant responses.
  • 15:22
    Regulatory challenges in using AI for content creation in banking
    The use of AI for content creation is not a viable option for the bank due to regulatory constraints, as it would create additional challenges in terms of accountability and compliance.


  • "A good local page thats highlighting your best services and most popular products will likely get you ranking much better than you used to for non-branded queries. That's really where the money's at." - Ahmad Abusamak

  • "Financial aggregator sites can create all kinds of content immediately. Even if banks moved as quickly as we possibly could, there's no way to beat overnight content creation, and that's what those websites can essentially do." - Ahmad Abusamak

  • "If someone's already putting your brand name into the listings, they were coming to you anyway. Our primary focus should be on non-branded queries, targeting the new, undecided consumers seeking solutions." - Ahmad Abusamak

  • "In the last five years, 10% of bank branches have closed or moved due to digital transformation. SEO plays a key role in building out that digital experience and shifting traffic from physical to digital." - Ahmad Abusamak

About the speaker

Ahmad Abusamak

Bank of America

 is a little camera shy

Ahmad is SEO Manager at Bank of America

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